By Pastor Shirley Flores
Mark 5:22-23. 35-42
Jairus was desperate. His daughter was ill and on the verge of death. He went to find Jesus to come and lay his hands on her so that she could be healed. He finds Jesus and things are looking up… except there was a hold up and time was of the essence. Finally a message comes that his daughter was dead.
Many times we find ourselves in a desperate situation like Jairus. On our way to find help we hear the situation has turned for the worse and everything within us says, “its too late.” I want to say the words of Jesus, “be not afraid, only believe.” Do not give up. Do not throw in the towel. Here are six things to do when you face a desperate situation.
1. Find Jesus. Cry out to Jesus. V 22-23
2. Keep your mouth shut and believe. V 35
3. Surround yourself with people of faith. V 37
4. Declare what the Lord has spoken and put people out who do not agree. V 38-40
5. Let Jesus take authority and allow him to work. V 41
6. Receive your miracle. V 42
Number 2 is critical. If you fail to keep your tongue from speaking doubt and unbelief, you will never get to number 6. Speak faith, speak the word of God, but DO NOT open your mouth to speak doubt and unbelief. Be not afraid, only believe. -SAF-
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