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Doing Your Part

By Pastor Shirley Flores

It has been said several times that God is about to do things quickly and we (Christians) need to be ready. I keep hearing that (and similar things like it) everywhere I go.

God is positioning us where he wants us to be. You may feel your part is minimal or insignificant but hold on, God has you right where he wants you.

Do not do anything drastic or make any sudden changes.

Without YOU doing YOUR part the kingdom of God cannot function as it should.

Think about it this way, all the big hotel chains (Hilton, Hyatt, Rosen, etc.) would not be where they are without the staff members that do the laundry or clean the rooms. It may seem like a small thing; however if someone is not there to wash the linens or clean the rooms, the hotel cannot function as it should.

Maybe your job is pastoring a small congregation or leading a choir of 10 tone-deaf members, but whatever your job is do it the best of your ability.

You do not know the impact you have on the people you are ministering to. They cannot function without you.

The kingdom of God cannot function properly if you are not doing your part. Allow God to use you where He wants you and allow yourself to move with him. -SAF-

Purpose! Ministries

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