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By Pastor Shirley Flores

Last month I did a daily devotional on the book of Daniel. It was eye opening and very informative. I read the last chapter and one verse stood out to me. It has been almost a week since I have read it, but I am still thinking about it today.

It was not uncommon for Daniel to have a dream or a vision. It was not uncommon for him to have a supernatural encounter to make those dreams and visions clear to him. So many prophecies are made known, it seems like a never-ending flow. Then in chapter 12, Daniel was told to seal the book. Things are beginning to wind down as Daniel sees one more thing.

Daniel sees this vision and hears the words that are being said, but he does not understand. He asks for an explanation, but he gets this response instead, “And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” Daniel 12:9

This is what stood out to me: when it is closed, it is closed. There have been at least two times I have heard the Lord tell me to close the door to things in my past. Not long after, I would remember things and ask the Lord about them, and I would always get, “It’s closed, don’t go there.” I believe the Lord wants us, as his people, to move on in his rest and put our thoughts on other things. No explanations are needed. Be at peace. Go thy way. -SAF-

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