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By Pastor Shirley Flores


We are all familiar with apples, oranges, watermelons, and tomatoes. What about passion fruit or pomegranate? Would you be able to pick these out among the mass variety of fruit that’s out there? They aren’t as common as apples and watermelons in the United States of America. People who purchase these items do so with a purpose.

So, why all the talk about fruit? When people think about eating better, they reach for fruits and vegetables. When people think about making “lifestyle” changes one of the first things they do is go to church or read the Bible. Both are good steps in the right direction. Both will produce life changing results if they are put into practice and they are maintained.

When people begin a new diet regiment, they prepare for it. They research it. They shop for it. They rearrange their schedule for it. When people decide to read the Bible or start going to church, there is little to no preparation for it.

Making the decision to go to church is a great one. Most people will not do research on the churches in their area to see if their doctrine lines up with what they currently believe. They will just go to the closest one thinking “all churches are the same.” They begin to read the Bible like any other book from cover to cover. Before long they lose heart because a lot of what they hear quoted is not in the book of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, or Numbers.

It’s time people, to get out of the familiar way of doing things. Come out of the mindset that “all churches are the same” and treating it as if it’s an add on. Rearrange some things in your life for church. Prepare yourself to learn something new when you read the Bible. --SAF--

Purpose! Ministries

A Praying Church - A Healing Church - A Holy Spirit Church - A Preaching Church


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