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June Purpose! Newsletter Articles By Apostle PJ Flores

By Apostle PJ Flores

June 2022

The Holy Spirit

This month we want to honor the Holy Spirit.

We are a people neither afraid nor ashamed of the wonderful third person of the Trinity.

He is welcome in every service.

He lives within us.

He fills us.

He anoints us.

He empowers us.

He walks beside us.

He leads us into all truth.

He reveals Christ to us.

He teaches us

He gives us tongues for prayer and worship.

He intercedes for us.

He comforts us.

He guides us.

He draws us to Christ.

He is powerful.

He is gentle.

He convicts.

He changes us.

He quickens us.

He gives gifts.

He produces fruit.

He is eternal.

He is God.

He gives life to the word.

He facilitates worship.

He can be quenched.

He can be grieved.

He is like fire.

He is like wind.

He is like breath.

He is like water.

He is like a dove.

He invites us into His Presence. Today. -PJF-

Pentecost Sunday

June 5, 2022

This day is uniquely our day. The Biblical historical record of

Acts chapter 2:1-4 describes the descent of the Holy Spirit in unprecedented fashion.

1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

We are unapologetically Pentecostal. We believe the Biblical account and we believe every believer should be filled with the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

So today we rejoice with millions of Pentecostals celebrating what took place on the Jewish festival day of Pentecost. It is not just history. It is for NOW! -PJF-


Sometimes it seems like trying gets us nowhere. Not trying actually does.

Sometimes in my walk of faith, I just want some vitamin See.

Sometimes you just need to cry, sleep, or eat. Or all three.

Sometimes you just need to talk to the Lord about it. He will ease the stress.

Sometimes it seems like doing right doesn't pay. But doing wrong is never right.

Sometimes you just don't know what to say. A smile and politeness will do.

Sometimes people will talk about you. Always talk in their favor.

Sometimes when you think you are hungry, you just need a tall glass of water.

Sometimes things just need to be said. But don’t forget love.

Sometimes when you've done all you can do, you need to get some help.

Sometimes if it just doesn't pay, it was meant to be charity.

- PJF-


At the Cross, At the Cross

When I survey the wondrous cross,

On which the Prince of glory died,

My richest gain I count but loss,

And pour contempt on all my pride.

When we stand before the cross of Christ, all that we are and all that we possess loses its value. The demand of the cross is total surrender. Lose your life and win it. Take up your cross, deny yourself, and follow Me.

Our modern American culture does not coincide with that message. Death of self is the nemesis of the have-it-all mindset. The kingdom is of a different orientation. Die to self, inherit the kingdom. Even with a reward like that our natures are repelled by such a sacrifice.

But unless there is a recognition and acceptance and a practical application of that truth, there will be no life. Truly, life begins at the cross. -PJF-

Purpose! Ministries: What We Do

You are all familiar with our Operation Check Out logo and promotion here in our newsletter. You may not know the many other ministries we are engaged in. These are further outlined on our website, We briefly list them all here for your information, for your prayer, and your support as you are able.

Operation Check Out

A community outreach ministry providing food, shelter, and various emergency financial assistance to families and individuals facing a difficult season in their life.

Food Distribution

The food supplies are distributed in three different ways as needs require.

1. Walmart gift cards. These are special cards that allow only for the purchase of food.

2. Individual bags of non-perishable edibles and clothing items such as socks. These are normally handed out to the homeless in our street outreaches and as we encounter them in our travels.

3. A supply of groceries of various kinds for families. This is available through our association with a food bank.

Jail/Prison Ministry

Another area Purpose! Ministries is engaged in is helping those that are incarcerated. Beside visitations, we provide limited food and hygiene packages as requested. Correspondence by mail is maintained with the inmate with follow-up after their release. At release, Operation Check Out is available to assist with providing shelter and other transitional needs. Spiritual needs are always a priority.

Missions Support

Purpose! Ministries is a missionary fellowship. We are active in missionary ministry and we support those who are involved in various missions, feeding programs, and evangelistic outreaches worldwide.

You can participate

Your financial participation to continue these outreaches is necessary and appreciated. Thanks.

Father's Day

Sunday, June 19

A godly father’s worth is inestimable

The value of his presence in the home is incalculable.

The influence of his strength is immeasurable.

The effect of his continued exemplary life is inarguable.

I thank God for a Christian father. He was faithful, he loved God, and he loved the church.

I believe he passed that on to me. His commitment greatly influenced my life.

Today, we honor godly fathers who demonstrate righteousness.

Have a blessed Father's Day! -PJF-

Purpose! Ministries

A Praying Church - A Healing Church - A Holy Spirit Church - A Preaching Church




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