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No More Sacred Cows

By Pastor Shirley Flores

Thursday night during our Bible Study we were talking about sacred cows. A sacred cow is a belief or tradition that is held regardless of truth. It is sad to say, but the church has been teaching and preaching sacred cows for a long time. Examples: (1.) You cannot be healed if you have sin in your life. (2.) You have to find the root cause of this sickness to be set free from it. (3.) We cannot expect all to be healed if Jesus could not heal all.

These sayings have no Biblical evidence and yet they have been passed down from generations to generations as if they are true.

Naaman was not in covenant with God and yet he was healed. The woman with the issue of blood was breaking the law and yet she was healed. Jesus never asked the lame man at the pool of Bethsaida how he got that way. He never asked the blind men what caused their blindness. Jesus never asked those with leprosy anything about their condition.

As we covered in a previous article, Jesus healed everyone that came to him. No one was left sick. Everyone who Jesus ministered to was made whole.

Believers, we need to stop teaching and talking about these things as if they were true. We cannot allow what we see to dictate what we believe. If it does not line up with the word of God, it is false. Preach THE WORD, nothing more, nothing less. -SAF-

Purpose! Ministries

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