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No Such Thing as Luck

By Pastor Shirley Flores defines Luck as a success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions.

I do not believe in luck. I do not believe there is good luck or bad luck. I do not believe that people are lucky or unlucky.

When it comes to things people call “luck” I believe there are three explanations: blessings, curses, and answers to prayer.

Blessings and curses are the result of what you do. If you make wise decisions and follow a pattern of right living, you will be blessed. If you do not, then the opposite will happen. Things will not go well for you. You will be cursed because that is the path you have chosen.

When unexpected things happen that are favorable towards you, then it is an answer to prayer. God graciously answered your prayer or someone’s prayer concerning you.

When unexpected things happen that are unfavorable towards you, it can be viewed in two ways:

1. God protecting you from something in the future.

2. An attack of the enemy trying to keep you from succeeding.

If you are uncertain which one of the two it is, pray and ask God to reveal it to you. He will. God wants the absolute best for you. Your life is much too important to Him to leave anything to chance. -SAF-

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