By Pastor Shirley Flores
When I began in ministry, I did not deal with the hardship that most women before me had to deal with. I was never denied an opportunity to preach because I was a woman. I never had people get up and leave when they found out a woman was about to preach the message.
However, I have had men “causally” share their feelings about women preachers. Remarks like, “the Bible doesn’t say anything about women pastors” or “I think I read somewhere about a woman not being over a man.” or “weren’t the apostles men?” I had a woman tell me it is not correct for a woman to preach to men. She said I was good, but to be right, I should stick with the women.
I thank God that he placed men in my life who encouraged women in ministry. My dad was one of my first supporters. He always encouraged me to follow the Lord and to do what I felt God was telling me to do. Every pastor I had was in favor of women in ministry. They always inspired me to do great things for God.
Finally, my husband. My husband has not only supported me in ministry, but has brought me in to work alongside him. My husband is not afraid to share the pulpit with me. He wants me to be the woman God has called me to be. He makes a point to honor me as a pastor, as a woman in ministry, wherever we go.
I am blessed to have had so many Godly men in my corner. Without them, I would not be the woman I am today. -SAF-
Purpose! Ministries
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