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By Pastor Shirley Flores

Someone prophesied what I did in my secular job I would do for the Kingdom of God. In every job that I have had since, that word has proven to be true.

A few years later I was working in food and beverage training new employees. During that time, my husband and I fed the homeless twice a week. Most of the homeless people we dealt with drank a lot of alcohol so we made sure they ate food that would nourish them and slow down alcohol absorption.

I currently work at an attraction where guests can experience space travel. There are two sides guests can choose, one that is less intense and the other is more intense. There are warnings for the more intense side of the attraction, so there is an employee there to bring attention to those warnings for those wanting to experience it.

Most guests have already done this attraction and know how it affects them. Those who have not done it, most stop and read the warnings and decide whether or not they want to go through with it. Then there are those who have never been on who pay no attention to the warnings. Those are the guests that get sick and can barely stand after the attraction. They get upset because “no one told them.”

As a pastor, I have to warn people. A life of sin is painful and full of regret. A life without Jesus Christ is hopeless and lonely. The most important warning of all: Dying without Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior will sentence your soul to eternity in Hell. -SAF-

Purpose! Ministries

A Praying Church - A Healing Church - A Holy Spirit Church - A Preaching Church


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