By Pastor Shirley Flores
At least twice a week I have been getting up at 3:00 AM. Why? Not because I can’t sleep. Not because I want to be all spiritual and seek the face of God… although I probably should. The reason I have been getting up at 3:00 AM at least twice a week for a month and a half is because a new ride opened at my job and I am crazy enough to pick those shifts up (and work them).
A few weeks ago, as I was standing in front of a massive crowd, trying to stay awake, I realized something was consistent with every crowd that I have encountered. There was great expectation. It’s unlike anything I have ever seen or felt before. Every day it’s the same; different people, but the same level of expectation. It’s something I have learned to appreciate.
I know a new ride at a theme park and the Church are very different entities… but I wonder… What would it take for people, Christians even, to experience that level of expectation and anticipation from God… from their church… from anyone? How many inspirational sermons need to be preached before the level of expectation rises to match the level of the thousands that get up hours before the sun rises just to get a chance to ride a new ride? How many prayers do we have to pray? How many Bible passages do we need to read?
This has been a challenging thought for me, a “Selah” moment for sure. Take a few moments this week and not only think about but answer the question. What will it take? --SAF--
Purpose! Ministries
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