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Recently our family took off on a non-destination trip. We wanted to do something new and go someplace we have never been before. Somehow we made it to Plano, Texas and I looked at the map to see how far we would have to go to be in a state we have never been before and I groaned. It would take two days of travel to get there and I did not want to drive through all those states again. I said out loud, “Aw man, to go someplace new we have to go through where we have already been.” And right then I heard the Lord say, “yep.”

I put my whining aside and we traveled until we could go no further, from Florida to California. We had a great time! We saw familiar places and had new adventures. We saw things we have never seen before and experienced so much. We even met up with old friends we have not seen in years. The whole trip was amazing!

This ministry is going through the same journey we took as a family. We are looking at “the map” and talking about how to get to a new place, somewhere we have never been before. It is so simple, yet a little irksome. I for one, do not like to back track. I feel like I am wasting time… but I have learned that there are many new discoveries in going back through. There are nice reminders as well. There are things that were skipped because of time restraints that can now be explored and enjoyed. So, there it is. The word I believe the Lord has for us in this season: To get to a new place, you have to go through where you have already been. -SAF-

Purpose! Ministries

A Praying Church - A Healing Church - A Holy Spirit Church - A Preaching Church


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