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Why is Hell so Awful

By Pastor Shirley Flores

I saw a post on Facebook that I shared on my page. I thought it was appropriate to share with you here as well.

Why is hell so awful? One, it was created for satan and his demons. Secondly, because people don’t realize that hell is the absence of God.

There’s no air in hell...because God is a breath of life.

There is no peace in hell...because God is the prince of peace. There is no comfort in hell...because God is the comforter.

There is no love in hell...because God is love.

Hell is darkness...because God is the light.

You don't have to go there!

But there is only one way to escape it, and that is through salvation in the name of Jesus Christ.

By Pastor Steven Hoell, Harvest Church Westminster, SC

The fire there is not to roast marshmallows and make s’mores. Hell is not a casino or a pool bar. All the “worldly pleasures” you find on Earth will not be magnified in Hell. Contrary to popular opinion, Hell is an awful place. The Bible tells us those who are not of the kingdom of Heaven will be cast out into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 8:12)

Hell was not made for you. You do not have to go there. The only way to escape Hell is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. He is the only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Make the decision today. -SAF-

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